Final Words
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Evelyn's Final Words

Evelyn had no final words to share.

Brennan's Final Words

Brennan had no final words to share.

Ryan's Final Words

Ryan has no final words to share at the moment.

Diego's Final Words

Hepbua my beatifull tribe how i am going to miss you i wont say anithing i will just say that i wasnt in an alliance on the other tribe and yeah i had won 3 games but i had losted a lot too so is not a surprise. Guys as dane says payce and please kick some lambico asses in my absence i will check you once in a while to see how you are doing you are a brave tribe and never get apart.
I love you guys keep the good road.
see ya
Hepbua forever

Kimberly's Final Words

Thank you, it was fun while it lasted. The game was formed correctly and the players all were very nice, sorry I didn't pay more attention to the game. Good luck everyone

JD's Final Words

Looks like another journey has come to an end ... thank you guys for helping me throughout this journey. Even though it has been my most shortlived Survivor game that I participated in, it has been the most memorable. You guys will probably be ashamed when all comes out in true light what I did, but then peace out and Mama Kim here is wishing you good luck. Live long and prosper Hepbua!

Michael S's Final Words

What can I say, obviously a pact with Lambico meant nothing to the people who started it because here I am on the other side of the fence. I was voted out because I was the "smart one?" I'm obviously not smart enough to know when I'm being screwed. I wish luck to some, they know who they are. I had a great time!



Brian's Final Words

Well, this is not where i expected to be right now, i
knew i'd get votes though, so i guess i'm not
surprised, just kinda at awe. I made the jury, so now
i have one last final shot at some of you. I got to
know some great people who i hope keep in touch! (come
on guys, you know who you are!) I had a great time and
a great game. I made one fatal mistake earier, and now
i'm paying for it, but i got to the jury, so i thank
my tribe mates for that. That's about all i have to
say right now, no hard feelings, it's a game. I wish
the other guys luck, and everyone, just watch out.
I'll see you in the final 2. Peace, cya man,

Kevin's Final Words

Well, it has been good as it lasted. Maybe I got what was coming to me, for switching tribes and all, but Lambico had just made a horrible mistake, Hepbua played smarter than them once again, and they will not last... I just hope they realize it before its too late... I thought the Lambico Pact could be revitalized, but apparently they were too unforgiving people. Good luck to all


Oby's Final Words

Well...I guess I got what was coming to me. Here's a very long schpeel, so be prepared... What can I say, I goofed up! This game would've ended so much differently if I hadn't voted how I did that very first Aguila vote. I would probably still be in the game, Michael would be here too most likely. But you gotta admit...the game became a lot more interesting, and it wasn't dull and the votes weren't predictable. I at least enjoyed that! I have things that I want to say to each of you, but I can't talk to you until you're on the jury or until the game is over, so I'll post it here and leave out names, you should know who you are. Some of you were honest and told me the truth about this vote, and I appreciate that. I remember telling each of you that I would rather be told the truth even if it hurt me, than be hurt by being lied to. I nullified this when I lied about voting with Lambico in the Michael S. episode, but I thought I had regained some of your trust. Obviously I was wrong. Others of you told me "Oh, you're safe, don't worry about this vote!" I don't appreciate that, but like I said, I nullified my request when I didn't do the same to you. And then others of you, were just there to talk with, and I enjoyed getting to know you. I'm not mad, so don't anybody think that. I met a great group of people, and when the game is over I want to talk to you all a lot! All I can say is...I think Lambico made a mistake. They evened up the odds, and if Hepbua is smart, they could possibly take the lead. Good luck all Hepbuas, think smart, don't let Lambico win! Good luck all Lambicos, play smart, don't let Hepbua win, and do what destiny predicted, ensure a Lambico winner because we merged 6-4, so y'all should win! Love, peace, and hair grace, Oby will see you on the jury or in the final 2!

Dustin's Final Words

I knew this was comin. No big deal. I don't have any hard feelings towards everyone. I'd rather lose and leave with my dignity then win because I turned on my friends or stabbed someone in the back. Most people were honest with me which I value a lot... gave me time to think this over haha. It's going to be hard to actually sit back and ask about the game for once but it's all good. I really hope that I left just because it was part of a strategy or whatever and not because I was a jerk to anyone. Strangly all of the hepbuas (3 cool guys btw) told me that they were voting me but my own tribe... the ones I thought I could trust told me yeah they would do what they could and pretended not to know anything about it. If I go then I go it's just a game I'm not gonna go cry to my mommy (well jk). Honestly I don't hold anything against them. I have no regrets on how I played the game, I cheered some on and helped people out when I couldn't win immunity. So even though I lost, I met great people and still feel like I won something. Thanks for everything. God Bless you all.
I'm out
O yeah! Hepbua Sucks! lol

Dane's Final Words

well, well, this is the last place in the world I expected to be in right now... j/p. I kinda expected to be voted out next, because I knew someone on Hepbua, by the name of Justin has been playing with our heads. I should've payed attention to Dustin and Oby's warnings... but I didn't, cuz i expected everything he was saying to be true. well expect a really long long long long long final words, whatever you call it. If I say I'm not dissappointed about being voted out, that would be a major lie. I'm truly pissed about being voted out, because I feel like I've been backstabbed by someone whose words now mean nothing, he's always been talking about HEPBUA PRIDE, he's always the one saying "Dane don't be so down we could get 'em!", but then he backstabs a hepbua. WTF is that?! Just expect a real long speech if he makes Final 2, cuz I'm really fucK** pissed at him. No, I'm not a sore loser, I'm just a person whose been betrayed.

My experiance here has been a blast! I had so much fun being a Hepbua, and kicking Lambico's ass! (no offense to Lambico, you guys are great :)) This is my first survivor internet game, and it's probably goign to be the best kind of game I'm going to be in. Meeting many of you guys have probably been one of the best things thats happened to me the past months, I've been very stressed out lately, and being able to talk to all you guys has helped me out. I'd like to thank you all. Now lets get to the personal shout outz... ta da!!! (beware... if you don't like intense stuff don't read... j/p) let's start with the lambicos... Tyler... wow you're a great guy, it's been fun getting to know you, from the begging of the merge you've been a great friend. Laura, even though I hardly knew you, we started getting aquianted towards my the end of my journey. Thanks for everything girl, go kick ass out there! And now, for the Hepbuas. Mike B.... what can I say? You've been more then a friend to me, more like a brother. You were our master strategist, our emotianal go-getter!!! YOU GO KICK ASS OUT THERE!!! WIN ALL THE IMMUNITIES WHICH I KNOW OYOU WILL!!! :) now, justin... come talk to me and I'll tell you how I feel, :) nah, don't worry about it, I forgive you today, but come tomorrow, I might not be so forgiving. alright i've bore you guys enough, it's time for me to go, im signin off for the last time, PAYCE -Dane

Laura's Final Words

Well guys.... I must say, this has been quite an exciting game, but with my workload right now, being voted out is almost a relief. I had a lot of fun getting to know you guys and hope some of us will keep in touch. I wasn't really expecting this tonight, but of course I knew it was a possibility. Anyway, I do have a couple of things to say to you guys - although it sucks that my Final Words won't be up till the game is over! Tyler I just wanted to say thanks for sticking by me till the end. You're a cool guy. Michael you ARE a very strategic thinker and I admire you for that. Anything else I wanted to say to you, I said earlier when we talked. You've shown up the conceited twosome big time. I think you know what I mean! And Justin, well... I guess I can't blame ya for going back to Hepbua again - but you pulled a bit of a Kevin/Oby move there so if you make it to the Final 2, your strategy just cost you my vote. Anyway, thanks for a great game guys, and I'm really glad I was the only girl in the game for a long time and I made it all the way to the Final 4!!!

Tyler's Final Words

I am not going to sit here and say that I am glad I was voted out and make everything sound just rosy. I'm frankly very upset I was, but I understand why; kind of.

First, I am happy that I finally made it past the final 5. That was a goal of mine, and I succeeded. It still sucks though being voted out.

Dane: I didn't really get to know you much, but when I had to vote you out, and when I saw your final words, it made me sad. I should have tried to get to know you more and atleast given you a chance.

Kevin/Oby: We had an alliance from the start, but it kind of fizzled there at the end. I can't say I was sad to see either of you go. Your actions determined your fate in this game.

Michael B: You're a smart dude. Maybe not as smart as you think you are, but you know how to play these games. But, I do have to tell you I was aware the whole time after the merge of EVERYTHING you said. If you think Laura and I are stupid and "bought" anything you gave us, you're very wrong. Everything turned out exactly as we had planned. The only thing we were concerned about is you winning Immunity, and that's exactly what you did. So, you deserve the title of Ultimate Survivor.

Laura: I still think that you were never with me. If you really planned on sticking with me, you would have atleast hinted at an F2 pact. And everything you said to Justin, I heard. I did feel some sort of loyalty to you at the end, but mostly me not voting you there was purely strategical. But, you're a great woman, and I hope we can chat after this game is over.

Justin: Everything I have to say to you, you're already gotten. It's too bad how everything turned out.